COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy
As we gather for in-person worship, we are committed to adhering to CDC and local government guidelines for the health and safety of all our members. As a church we are adhering to San Diego County COVID guidelines which can be found here. Here’s what to expect for our in-person worship services:
Please stay home if you or anyone in your household is not feeling well or has any COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, including but not limited to cough, shortness of breath, fever/chills, fatigue or sore throat.
It is strongly recommended that you wear a well-fitted mask that covers your nose whether vaccinated or not.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
All attendees must agree to all guidelines set out by Living Stones Christian Church in adherence to CDC and local government guidelines.
If an attendee experiences COVID-19 symptoms:
Attendees who experience COVID-19 symptoms within 48 hours of attending an in-person worship service are expected to contact LSCC immediately via email at These attendees are expected to follow CDC guidelines for testing, self-quarantining and returning to health before attending another in-person service at LSCC.
If an attendee tests positive for COVID-19:
All attendees who attended the same in-person service as the attendee who is confirmed positive for COVID-19 will be notified. The attendee who is confirmed positive for COVID-19 will not be permitted to attend an in-person service until he/she has surpassed a 10-day symptom-free time period or has tested negative for COVID-19 in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Updated September 22nd, 2022