What Are Home Groups?
Home Groups are a place where we gather as a community (typically in homes) to:
Connect DEEPLY with God
Connect DEEPLY with each other
Genuine Relationships
Home Groups are built on genuine life-giving relationships with people you actually want to do your spiritual journey with.
This means we encourage you to form and join groups with people that you genuinely want to connect with rather than having the church assign or dictate the groups. If you need help, of course we can and will assign you to a group, but typically we’d like the groups to form because the Spirit is urging you to join the group or you feel like God really wants you to journey with a set of people. People can tell when you’re being forced to interact with them or be their friend. That does not lead to life giving deep connections.
Of course this does not mean you don’t push yourself or that you never step outside your comfort-zone to do life with someone you find difficult, or annoying. Sometimes we will ask you to push your own boundaries. Often God himself will ask you to do something uncomfortable. But it won’t be something assigned to you by the church.
This can make groups both more difficult in some ways but also easier in some ways. You won’t be stuck in a group that you just don’t like going to because of the people. But at the same time, it can be difficult to find a group because it will require initiative on your part.
Reach out to the lost, distressed and downcast through home groups.
Home groups are a place where good things happen and healing takes place. Anybody who needs the healing gospel, whether that’s a long time Christian who is hurting or someone who hasn’t even heard of Jesus, should come to home group.
They don’t necessarily need to come to Sunday Worship first. Of course some people are more comfortable going to a public worship setting first rather than stepping foot in a home and eating food with people they don’t know. But others are actually far more comfortable coming to your house than going to a big worship hall, singing strange songs and feeling invisible.
So invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members or whoever to participate in the good thing you have going on. If a friend who does not know Jesus is willing to come over to your house, have a great meal and meet your friends, invite them into your home group. Groups that are reaching out to people who don’t know Jesus can keep the prayer and sharing time short, while emphasizing the relational aspect of eating together. And as your friends get to know Jesus, they will naturally want to do more prayer and more sharing.